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Someone’s Story February “Love and Success”

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day you wonderful and caring souls! I am honored to be a part of this day with you. Everyone is deserving of love. When we realize we come from love, and we ARE love, we are never without it, regardless of our relationship status. When we learn to love ourselves, there is no other that can take what we already have within. They can only add to it. As we explore the stories coming through the pool for Valentine’s Day, I ask you to remember that not all that is shared here is meant for you. That’s okay. Enjoy the stories and take only what is meant for your highest good. And so it is

Someone Single's Story #1

There was a soul who seemed too good to be true, nobody had ever done what this soul seemed to do, the bombing in love made someone feel like they were in a dream, and it turns out, they just might have been nothing was as it seemed. This started a pattern and what do you know, every toxic connection had to go!

Someone feels like the odds are against them in love and they have found themselves in a pattern of untrustworthy partners that have hidden agendas. Someone revealed their true feelings that were unfavorable and they found themselves surrounded by enemies… This is about to change.

The Competition

There’s an anger coming up for healing. Someone has seen a mistake they made and a big one by trusting the wrong person. They are moving on from a failed relationship where someone tried to make them compete for love. Someone learned in an eye opening way that authentic relationships may not always be what another is after. There was a connection that felt trustworthy and that has changed dramatically for someone. They feel a snake around and they may have found confirmation where they need to separate themselves from someone who considered themselves competition. Why? There is no competition! Nobody can compete for what is already theirs! If they feel they have to compete, perhaps it’s not theirs after all! Someone’s eyes are now wide open and they see this now. This is empowering them to rid their life of anyone who makes them compete for a spot in their life!

Going deeper:

Someone is starting to do some self reflection, could they be holding on to ideals from the past that are attracting them to the same untrustworthy partners over and over again? What are they running from that brings them to this same energy of deception? Rather than leave themselves feeling jaded, someone is choosing to accept that they have work of their own to do, and they are healing this through giving themselves a relaxing Valentine’s Day by choosing to get healthy instead of getting a date! They are choosing friendship and familial love over romantic and even love of self! They are choosing to give themselves the love they’ve been seeking from others and making a beautiful transformation that will guarantee happy and blissful Valentine’s Day traditions that will be cherished with or without a partner for many years to come ♥️

Self Love Affirmation

“I am taking a leap forward into the unknown,

I don’t have to know what tomorrow brings, I am safe, capable, powerful, loved,

I speak my truth unapologetically, I make it a priority to know myself,

I choose my connection to the Most High with fierce loyalty.

I have nothing to fear, I am good enough,

strong enough and I do not need another to complete me.

I am whole as I am. I am enough”

Someone Single's Story #2

He put his trust in the wrong one.

He believed she’d never betray him

To find her in another’s arms, was

All he needed to let his love slowly dim

He’s chosen instead to trust his gut

It’s never ever let him down.

With his head held high, back straight he fixes his strut

And he trusts himself, his divinity it’s HE who wears the crown

In love, someone is looking back in gratitude for all situations they have experienced good, bad and ugly. They are seeing love come in other forms then they had expected it to come. This is a time of being grateful for not getting what they thought they wanted, and they are grateful for things that didn’t work out.

It’s taking awhile to get to this space of acceptance but it’s working in their favor. They are beginning to ignore the background noise trying to get their attention. Ignoring the immature nature of others they trusted and believed in at one time seeing the true nature. What felt like a loss now feels like freedom. They are reminiscing on how they brought a beautiful child in the world with this person and that is the love that they will grow and cultivate. This is the real treasure beneath the mess and the muck that was left behind from the past.

As the full moon in Leo approaches, someone is about to see the point of all they went through. They are about to see how God works all things together for their good! It’s going to be a beautiful year for them, and they now see why it all had to happen the way it did!

“ I am co-creating a story that is epic. I will not lay my head in defeat! I am ready to build my next chapter alone, and I will not allow myself to be beat! I am worthy of my life as I want it, and I am working towards this everyday. I will choose a higher path, and better myself Every Day! “

Someone Single's Story #3

Someone needed to be harsh with their words to leave a situation in search of money. This person isn’t interested in love, they are interested in piles and piles of cold hard cash. They are choosing themselves. Though others may not see the value in what they are choosing, someone else understands that this is their greater purpose for this time.

They are moving on from past relationships, being kind and generous with their wealth. By choosing peace within and trusting their inner guidance to take them where they need to go next, they are improving their mental health. Not every person belongs in a couple, and for this soul it’s definitely true.

This person is ready to love themselves, trust themselves, learning from their challenges, leaving a difficult relationship where they are fully aware they were the problem.

They were meant to be taught something new through the past toxic connections and they see this very clearly! They learned that in order to have peace, they must release a need for a partner. The lone wolf. Perhaps one day they may choose a mate again, but for now their only love is the love of their maker, and themselves,

This person is on a mission to find their deeper calling, and they have been codependent on the people that they’ve attached themselves to in the past. When the mask comes off and their vulnerability comes through, the relationships never last. Boldly they are moving forward into a life of self motivation and love. They are done hiding from the fact that they want to be alone, and they are connecting with the Father above. Hooray for you gentle soul you know who you are. When you first choose healing, true fulfillment isn’t far!

Twin flames on Valentine’s Day :

A Couple in Union

Finally, oh yes Finally the couple we route for! Not all

There is a love that passes all understanding, and the couple in question both have embraced it individually and allowed it to be the guiding force in their relationship. This couple is one hot commodity. They don’t need to flex on social media oh no, they have nothing to prove to the masses! In fact, they are so on fire for each other, they have begun to remove many from their circle that no longer support them. They are entwined with each other in deep respect and support. They support eachother’s goals silently without the need of an audience. They are uninterested in proving it to the world, they are too busy proving it to each other. They are HOT HOT HOT

The way he looks at her is endearing and the way he holds her in respect is beyond what most people would think to achieve. This man is fiercely protective of his lady, he does not wish to posses her and he doesn’t need to objectify her either, no. He respects her and he gives her the space she needs to grow..

She is not insecure anymore. She has learned her value and she makes sure she is the first to recognize it and she fills her own cup. She is not relying on this man to make her feel special and this is causing a devotion in him that gives the relationship itself a cocoon of safety.

He is not responsible for her happiness and she is not responsible for his. Together they combine their own sought and found joy, and it only grows and grows. This isn’t superficial. They didn’t come together while committed to others, no. Their love is pure. It is strong and it is becoming stronger everyday. She is devoted to her healing and he is devoted to his.

They come together to build an empire and the proof that this couple will last is in their self care. Encouraging each other is the norm for this couple. They celebrate wins together! He is not who she thought he was, he is more and so is She!

Hello & Welcome back to my Garden! I’m so glad you’re here with me, If you haven’t visited in awhile, or you are brand new, please don’t forget to go through The Garden Entrance (or click on that link ) To revisit The Garden etiquette. Happy Valentine’s Day you wonderful Soul. You are most welcome here and this is one of the most loved filled weeks so far this year! Whether you are celebrating with Agape, familial, or Eros 😉 I wish you the love you need exactly how you need it in the weeks to come, and most of all, self love, because that attracts more love to us all! When was the last time you did something kind for yourself?

Your Tia spent some much needed time to myself for some R&R and it was just enough not too much, and it was just the ingredient needed to revive my energy! Sometimes we don’t realize how depleted we are until we stop for rest. Rest is part of productivity and actually increases it when you give it equal importance as moving!

As we dip into the pool of wisdom, I ask that you remember that not all that is shared here is meant for you, and that’s okay. This is the space to practice using your inner guidance to lead you to the wisdom hidden in the experience shared here today. May you only receive the guidance that is for your highest good and so it is.

The Main Story:

“Love is patient, love is Kind It does not envy,

It does not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,

It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil,

but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts,

always hopes, always perseveres.”

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “The Bible”

Now, Replace the word Love with your name. Does it fit? If not, it is time to return to Love

There is a woman who has worked very hard on herself. She has been facing her insecurities bravely, and healing wounds from the past. She may not be able to see all the progress she’s made herself. She has a tendency to forget how far she’s come. The ones around her though, they see it. They are surprised and some even blown away. They didn’t expect this side of her to come. Not after all she’s been through. Not after all the toxic people she surrounded herself with, not with all the pain she was attached to, Yet here she stands and she has a few decisions to make and more than few suitors waiting for her to make a choice.


The Past:

She felt her strength leaving her, she was more exhausted each day. She rarely had time for herself anymore. The little time she did have, seemed to be spent on someone, or something else. Work demanded her attention and wether personal or professional, deadlines were closing in. If only she could concentrate. She felt herself losing control of every situation. Her friendships were a mess, her family seemed shady and forget about her love life, the chilly responses back and forth only brought more confusion and pain. There seemed to be no alternative than to just run away.

She found herself seeking a moment of silence to think about what was transpiring around her. Just as she turned down the noise of her life, she could finally hear her inner voice speaking her higher truth. She could see that the reason she was so drained, is she had surrounded herself with toxic people, she stayed longer than she needed to in toxic spaces, and she spent too much time trying to acquire more and more things she really truly did NOT need. She had been chasing a social status that didn’t fit her, and she was even chasing a relationship with someone beneath her. It was time for her to make a huge change starting with herself.

She started by taking time to really understand what it was that she believed she deserved. What she realized is that she had become very insecure. She’d stopped believing she deserved better for herself. She noticed that this belief that she was somehow undeserving of quality friends, and a quality love life, she had attracted people who were like a funhouse mirror showing her exactly what she thought she deserved.

She made some tough decisions and removed what wasn’t meant for her, and redirecting her time and energy into activities and conversations that inspired the best in her!

She is beginning to see her own darkness in others. Someone needs to be in good company to keep her darkness at bay. Who she chooses to surround herself with, will influence her and she will either see herself elevated to a higher state or brought back low if she refuses to let the toxic people go.

Back To The Present

She wasn’t planning on a career change, but with all these positive choices for a better quality of life, she’s attracted chances for growth in money and status. She didn’t see all this coming but she is thanking The Most High, for all that’s flooding in. She called in so much that she didn’t expect to come and here it is reminding her that she is highly favored!

She is beginning to realize that the jealous glances are merely the people who did not ever want her to succeed but enjoyed her being the one they could compare themselves to and be grateful they weren’t her. This isn’t the case now, they also haven’t put in the work themselves, and for this reason they are unable to join her in this new adventure in life that is about to take her to higher love, and higher states of consciousness.

Initiation energy coming in. Someone is ready to move forward to the next level in life. They’ve earned the rewards that come from positive change and moving on to more challenging lessons and situations with greater reward.

Planning for the Future:

She’s beginning to focus on creativity. This week is about getting rid of the mind clutter and looking for what it is that will make her wealthy. Is it having an abundance of friends that encourage her and bring out the best in her? Will it be surrounding herself with family that shower her with love? Will it be finding happiness within and attracting this all?

Letting humor lead

Someone is taking some time to fill their space with laughter. They are finding humor in all situations, and it’s beginning to lighten things that used to stress them out. So when it’s been a long day , find something funny to fill your space with Joy

If this wasn’t your story, perhaps the ONE Daily focus is for you!

One Daily Focus

This is a space to focus on ONE thing a day, to challenge or enjoy

Monday- Valentine’s Day.

Spend this day giving and receiving love in the form you need most, or in any way you can. Open a door for a stranger, let someone go in front of you in line. What you give out will come back to you in perfect time.

If you are single, what would you like someone to do for you? Are you willing to do this for yourself? If you’re in a relationship then serve your partner with no expectation of a return. This is a powerful way to love, and it strengthens unions.

Tuesday- Extending the Flow

There’s a big comedown associated with the end of a holiday. Today would be a perfect time to allow yourself to continue being kind and raising the Vibration around you by truly looking back and being Thankful for all that transpired for your good recently. Write a list of all you have to be thankful for!


This is a time to reflect on what you want and how you’ll get there. Journal 📓 What it is that you want to see happen in your life? How do you plan to get there? What can you do each day to get you to your desired outcome?

Thursday: ACTION!

Remember your list yesterday? Do the thing you said would get you closer to your desired goal! It’s time! It’s not enough to just put the intention out there, now is the time to show yourself you really want it. That is what makes the dream work!

Friday- TEA or Nah?

Someone is facing the temptation of gossip. They have the goods on someone close to them and today is an excellent day to pass this test. Gossip will not get you closer to your goals. Pass on the tea.

Saturday-Workout Time

Today is a day to practice intentional exercise. Someone is using the anger and tension of the week to fuel their workout. By deciding that each rep is letting go of their anger and bitterness, they are setting themselves up for success and healing!

Sunday- The day of Rest, Reflection & Connection

Today is a time to get back in touch with The Creator, Source, Most High however you choose to address the energy. Take some time to really get honest and connect.. There may be a message that you have been missing due to the business of everyday

Full Moon in Leo ♌️

Activity Time




5 minutes (or more) of alone time

Questions to Ask and Answer:

  1. What do you no longer want to allow in your spiritual & physical space that has not been good for you?

  2. What would you like to see in your spiritual & physical Space going forward?

  3. What are you ready to release from the past that has been heavy and weighing on you?

That’s all I have for you this week, wisdom seekers! Thank you for taking time to visit the Garden. If any part of this resonated for you please don’t forget to like ♥️ at the bottom of the page! May all that is not meant for you or your highest good be released back into the Pool where it belongs.

You are loved, held, cherished and seen! Make sure you see yourself, You really are worth getting to know!

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