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Someone’s Story December 27Th -31st“…The End”

Welcome back to The Garden, wisdom seekers! I’m honored you’re joining me here to end this beautiful story for 2021. Not all that is shared from the pool of wisdom & guidance is meant for you, and that’s okay. Be sure to use your inner guidance to lead you to what is meant for you to know.

Some visiting here have had battles so heavy, they are in need of some rest and reflection on how they contributed to their situation. Others are victorious where they thought they were outnumbered. Overwhelming blessings have arrived and it’s time to adjust in this new vibration with stillness and reflection. Wherever you are on your journey, whatever has brought you to this ending, I’m honored you’re here.

May you only receive what is for your highest good. And so it is.

The Need & The Change

Once upon a worldwide Pandemic, The world as someone knew had changed forever. Pestilence had taken the lives of many and fear spread across the land. Neighbor pitted against neighbor, friend against friend. Fathers left children fatherless, mothers leaving them motherless. Fights between siblings broke apart generations of families. Divorce, greed, adultery & disease spread rampantly. Predators masqueraded around as the victim and many were left feeling powerless and hopeless. Demands for acceptance and division by “jab” became a nightmare turned into life for many across the lands.

War and evil ruled lands and suppressed women and children trying to rob them of their hope and light and force them into a life of servitude to shame, self-hatred and pain. The homeless grew in population, and the help decreased as all lived in fear that if they helped, they’d be landing themselves in the same position.

The rulers of this world were Pestilence, War, Fear and Death. What a cruel place to live. What a world to raise a child in? “Why? Why is this our world?” Some asked. But it didn’t matter, death and pain came all the same. Enough is enough.

DONE. Done with isolation. They have spent enough time on the computer feeling bad about themselves by watching social media of lives that must be better than theirs. DONE being afraid to go to the grocery store with all the mass shootings around them. DONE having to protest for their rights to decide what goes into their bodies. DONE being forced to choose a side in an argument or political hot subject. DONE with the divide. DONE with losing children to suicide. DONE DONE DONE! Someone has had enough of the souls in this world suffering. Someone is DONE feeling helpless THIS ENDS NOW!

The anger swelling inside is of the righteous kind. They are discerning why they have it and what they should do with it, and they realize exactly what they should do, and that is fight back! Peaceful spiritual warrior wielding their weapons of truth, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. There was only one thing they must hold onto. The one ingredient that had to be given this way through growth and understanding of what was not for them, to help them now… they needed their childlike faith. The darkness had been allowed to rule, long enough. So it seems the timeline is shifting It’s almost time and someone is a big part of changing the darkness in their world to light! It IS the end of the long night!

Where there is sorrow there is also joy, where their is pain their is pleasure. When the darkness takes over, light is on it’s way, ready to shine and shine BRIGHT! Like a rocket preparing to take off, someone is sitting in the darkness preparing for their ascension into a NEW and Positive dimension. There is a generation of beautiful souls being raised right now! This generation will change the world as it stands and someone has learned this year, that their purpose involves raising and teaching this generation all they need to live in faith, love, and happiness. They are teaching them to raise the vibration of the planet. By showing them unconditional love and the importance of extending that to others. They are teaching this generation to love themselves so that they may love others. They are giving themselves room to grow this year, recognizing their own childhood lack. They have transformed this year through hardship and hard lessons. Through loss and pain. By example, they are teaching the next generation how to manage these things that come, and showing them how to allow themselves to feel, to allow themselves room to grieve and allow themselves time to heal.

It’s the end of living dishonestly in anyway. The end of jealousy and insecurity. The end of competing for what is already theirs. The end of making excuses for toxic behaviors in the self and others. It is the end of living in lack and fear. This is the end of gossip and betrayals. This ends now. Their job is too important. These children need someone to stay in their Integrity and be impeccable with their word. They will learn and rise from the model that is presented in someone who once thought they were nothing more than an "unfixable outcast". That is the end of that ridiculous lie. Their purpose was always greater than that. Now they see Just how much The most High favors them. This is the end of feeling unworthy and unloved. They have learned their worth, now they will teach others to find their own, and help them find their way out of the darkness, by living what they say every day.

As this Story comes to an end, a NEW ONE begins…..

Someone’s ONE Daily Focus 🧘‍♀️

“ And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:32

27th- Someone’s list Pt1.

It’s not easy facing someone’s own darkness. It doesn’t really matter when success in all their endeavors is at steak. Someone knows it’s time for them to do the last bit of inventory on what they are consciously holding on to. Bitterness, resentment, past hurts, anger, revenge feelings of insecurity or inferiority. All of this or some, they are ready to face it. Someone is getting in their own way with their obsession with copying someone they’re jealous of. For someone else, it’s confronting what they are bitter about that they haven’t received for but asked for from the Most High. Spending time reflecting on it, and validating their own feelings about each and every one will be the first step needed to ensure that they see themselves honestly, even these seemingly unpretty parts. Now it’s time to decide if all that is written is worth their peace being ripped from them, or the blockages to success holding all this is causing. Can they rip up their list and send it off to sea?

28th- Someone’s Release

Someone let go. After facing what’s still holding them back, someone is choosing to forgive what’s theirs to forgive. They are no longer holding the grudge of the past, they are simply moving on. Forward. It hasn’t been the easiest transition for them. Letting things go. But as they do, they realize they now have room for something better! The blessings they have been praying for are waiting to fill those spaces!

29th -Someone’s List Pt2

For someone, ending this year feels right. They are finishing up new projects and they have more than they expected to have! As they are looking forward to the year ahead, they are taking a moment to write all that they are grateful for that came into their life this year. The physical things, the new experiences and of course, the lessons. So many changes that need to be seen need to be focused on because these were their gifts this year!

With each one, it brought them to this blissful and happy ending to a beautiful week.

30th -Someone’s Mess

It’s time to declutter. Someone has much to release and today, is the day to donate, throw away broken and unusable items taking up space, cleaning dust filled areas holding negative past energy, all of it. Someone is ready to move forward more organized, they are leaving the mess of the past in 2021 and it’s finally time someone quit putting it off. The excuses are almost as piled high as the laundry that needs to be sorted. That’s why today a burst of energy comes as they start. It may even feel as if they are being given extra energy with every task they finish.

31st -Someone’s Final List

Before the parties, before settling with the family to watch time square on tv, before settling down with that book and hot tea, someone is going to write their list of intentions and goals for the year 2022. This isn’t a resolution, oh no. They did that earlier in the week. This, is a list of what they desire to experience in the year to come. What is it they want? What don’t they want? What ONE word that describes the vibe they want for 2022??

As they ponder this and write their list they are ready to shut the book on their past. They are grateful for the lessons, and abundant blessings. They are ready for new experiences, and new perspectives. Before they do anything else, this list they write out with intention that it will be so, it will be so, it will be so.

The End.

May all that is not meant for you be returned back into the pool to be washed away where it belongs,

Thank you for visiting me here each week in the garden, this year. It has been an honour sitting by the pool of wisdom and listening to the whispered guidance that comes from all sources with you here. I’m learning my lessons in these times and it’s beautiful to see the growth all around. I hope you’ll Join me in the year to come and enjoy the next year’s story, until then, May you receive blessings you can handle in perfect time!

-Tia Khaleesi
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