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Someone’s November Story 2021 “Attitude & Gratitude”

Updated: Dec 12, 2021

*This Story will be available to the public November 9th Enjoy your first look wisdom seekers!

Thank you 🙏 Thank You 🙏 THANK YOU 🙏 For your service.

In the states, Have you thanked a veteran this month? if you are looking for a way to show your gratitude you might Pay for a Veteran’s meal, Buy them a gift card and pay for their groceries! If you see a veteran getting their oil changed put it on your tab! Thank them many ways the right way will come to you.

Hello and Welcome back to the Garden! I’m so grateful for your visits, and the time we share here together! This is set to be a month of chances for powerful transformation through observation, patience and reflections in gratitude. Not all that is shared here is meant for you and that's okay. The garden is a place to practice using your own intuition. Use your own inner wisdom as your guide.

Before We get into the Story let’s see what we have happening above. Because As above, so Below and what is happening in the heavens can effect us down here.

Remember the most important guidance you will ever follow comes from within. Take what resonates and leave the rest. May all that you receive from the garden be for your highest good.

And so it is. 🙏

THE NEW MOON in Scorpio ♏️

November 4th, 2021

-Choosing to face the darkness within to create peace without will bring massive transformation and growth.

The Twin Flame Portal

November 11th, 2021 ( Veteran’s Day)

Are you ready to set intentions within your twin flame union? Soul connections and twin flame contact is stronger and more possible at this time.

THE FULL MOON in Taurus ♉️

November 19th-20th eclipse

Beauty, Wealth and Stability take center stage… are you ready?

More information to come in Someone’s Story weekly!

Thank you 🙏

I choose to kneel before my creator in gratitude

I have all that I need within me to succeed,

Thank you 🙏

I have love within me. I am love and I can never lose what I am.

Thank you 🙏

I choose to release anger, resentment, bitterness, rage, confusion & attachment to the past. I am free.

Thank you 🙏

I release all trauma bonds in perfect time. I chose to move forward believing in love. I am Love

Thank you 🙏

I believe I am enough. There is nothing and no one I need to complete me I am complete I am whole.

Thank you 🙏

I am learning from my past. Mistakes are a part of life and all things work together for my good.

Thank you 🙏

I am open to Love in all forms meant for me, I accept love & the loving situations for my highest good and the highest good of others.

Thank you 🙏

I am the soul experiencing life what I feel is not who I am what I see is not who I am.

11/11 Twin Flame Union

First and for most let us remember to serve those who have served. Do something special for our Veterans. Pay for their gas, pay for their meal, honor them with gift cards, thank them. We have them to thank, and they have sacrificed much for us.

Love has been patient while life was unkind. Seeing the deeper wounds that kept them rooted in the same cycles of trauma and drama, paid off!

Healing those wounds and taking the lessons forward has lead to inner union. Someone is about to reunite with a love for the ages! The person may be new or for others come from the past, whoever it may be, this love WILL last! ❤️

They need not look back at what used to be, this is true love and this leap in faith sets them Free!

Someone’s Shift

The work has been extensive, Shadow season was eye opening and there was a lot of denial to overcome for some. Addressing their own patterns of toxicity instead of others hasn’t been easy, but it has been everything they need to remove themselves from the pattern of losing.

This month is a time of reflection of all they’ve actually made it through.

They have spent the year focused on all that went wrong, reliving stress and worry and attracting situations that weren’t leading to anything but more stress. Even so, the work they’ve put in has slowly shifted their perspective to learning from these situations and changing them in the process. Yes, now as they look back they don’t only see the problems, but also the solutions that came along the way. They see how they made it through each situation with help from the most high. (Thank you 🙏 they say, in gratitude)

. Each life changing event had brought something new that was needed. Looking at where they are standing now, they see clearly what was needed for change.

A New Life

Remember how we talked about leaving the past in the past In October? Someone was listening and Life is looking good for someone. The sun came out and even on the coldest day, they have found warmth. They have reached a level of happiness that goes beyond their circumstances. Every time they placed their faith in their creator and trusted in perfect time, magical shifts in their favor have taken place. Suddenly their biggest challenges became their blessings and they even found peace in situation that didn’t work in their favor!

They are no longer taking on burdens that are not theirs to carry. They are no longer accepting less than their worth. They are finally loud and proud rising to new spaces! With every new acknowledgment of what they are thankful for, comes more and more to be thankful for.

The Feast

Someone is feeling the pressure to succumb to another’s stress around the big day. With the drama and trauma of the past taunting them to return and join it, someone is resisting! They are remembering all the tools they have at their disposal to keep them centered. They remember their affirmations and they use them, they have the music on that uplifts their mood and of course they’ve spent time meditating

…. Or have they? Has this week been so hectic they kept putting it off promising themselves they’ll get to it when they have a minute? A minute that never comes…. The minute they feel their stress levels reach a moderate level, they are going to have a choice, will they ignore the signs they need a minute to recalibrate their energy? Or will they stubbornly allow their ego to be the demise of their peace?

Drink lots of water!

432 hz

The Gratitude Attitude

This year was year of rebuilding what has been broken down. Communication is clearer, relationships closer, trust restored, and all that was meant to fall away has. Someone is ready to see that they are on the right path

it is time to sit down and take stalk of all they’ve accomplished, all that has been given to them this year and all that has been taken away. If they look closely all that has happened has brought nothing but good their way! They have been protected from the things they desired that were never meant for them. It’s time to be thankful for each and every circumstance and find the joy in each. For extra credit, they may observe how the disappointments worked out in their favor! When they shift their attitude for being grateful for what they have now!

It’s time for someone to take out a pen and paper and actually take a moment to write down all they have right now. Thanking their creator for every comfort, every. opportunity, every loving person in their life. It’s been a year of powerful transformation and they’ve been given a whole lot more than they realize. It’s time to finally take a moment to acknowledge it. They are truly, truly blessed.

That’s all I have for you as we peek into this next month, don’t forget to check in with Someone’s Story for deeper weekly guidance. May all that was not meant for you be released back into the pool where it belongs

I'm so thankful for each and every one of you! I hope you enjoy a bountiful harvest!

-Tia Khaleesi

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