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Capricorn's Mastery Journey 2024 (Pt1)

Updated: Aug 7

Welcome back to the garden Capricorn! If your sun, moon or rising fall into this position, you’re in the right place! You will be the first of the signs  that we will discuss for the year of the Dragon 2024 journey of self mastery. 

As we continue forward into the year,  we are going to look at the six ways that you will be called to master your behavior, choices, thinking, finances etc. whatever seems to be for you at this time. Remember, this is a shared space so the energy that comes through is from multiple sources. Not all Capricorns will resonate with everything said in this time. Be wise and consider what is yours to receive.

This is also not a space for gossip . By this, I simply mean I will only reveal what needs to be known in order to heal change or fix a situation. So please be advised this could go much deeper! Out of respect for who it resonates, we will only focus on the cause and solution that is necessary for the space and time.

Not all that is shared here will be meant for you and that's okay.

Take only the information that is useful for your individual situation.

It is my intention as the keeper of the space that you only leave here with what is for your highest good. I believe, and so it is. Let's begin , shall we? 

Being in the Present Moment

It's easy to get lost in what could've been what should've been and what never was. It can be especially hard when we see our mistakes so clearly and it feels like we could have done more to change circumstances.

It's very common for people to look back at what was and reminisce on what could've been, it's even easier to get lost in it forgetting that there is life happening in this very moment that needs our attention.

For a Capricorn that this will resonate for.

this has been a challenge since 2022.

There is a Capricorn being called to move in a new direction while closing out the past. There is no going back that time is over. Someone is being called to reap the wisdom from the 

experience while being present in mastery is a process and this week and this year Capricorn is going to be asked to be in the present moment more often than has been comfortable previously. 

Someone has been stuck in the past possibly very concerned about their son and their daughter. Worry, fear and remorse have been plaguing their thoughts and blocking their forward movement. There is a lot of energy surrounding uncertainty possibly based on situations that happened in the past that have been holding a Capricorn back from being able to move forward. For the Capricorn this resonates with, I think that they are worried that they did not spend enough time with their family. 

There may be some disconnect or feeling emotionally separated with no idea how to close the gap. They have been very busy working very hard and trying to create things for the future. Capricorn may have been struggling with how to help certain people and their family holding onto things that don't really matter. 

There was a situation in a Capricorn’s  past that required them to face a very difficult truth that had been hidden for quite some time. This is caused Capricorn to look back in pain at what they could've done differently.

The problem is, in the present moment they are unable to see their next move because they are fixated on what they had to leave behind when they couldn't see what was right in front of them. In the year of the Dragon 2024, Capricorn is being called to work on mastering being in the present moment. 


 Multitasking is a great and fascinating thing when it is productive. Capricorn in order to boost productivity in all areas of their life whether it be work, home life, or their romantic life, they must learn to do one thing at a time. When Capricorn fully immersed in their current state their current job, or their current situation, they are able to make firm decisions that are based on the energy that is presented in front of them at this time.

This may take the entire year, it may take just a few months! By practicing every day, doing one task at a time, Capricorn can master anything!

There is a need to do some research on situations regarding children specifically a son and a daughter for a Capricorn that this will resonate with there are situations that they don't have all the information on and by looking closer and looking at the situation with clear eyes focusing only on the task at hand they will find the answers that they seek.

There's nothing wrong with taking on multiple tasks Capricorn.

You are the sign of accomplishment! You will succeed in what you choose to do. Change comes when you learn to be patient as well. It will come in perfect time. 

Observing the Present 

   The theme here is the present moment. For the first six months of the year of the Dragon 2024 Capricorn is going to need to be aware of the wisdom being given to them in the present moment. It's easy to get lost in the past and worry about patterns repeating themselves.

Capricorn needs to remember that this time in this place has its own wisdom that is trying to come forward. They need to focus on the tasks at hand when there in front of them. By doing so they will unlock important information as they move forward their plans are going to be incredibly successful when they choose to let go of past pain and worry. The challenge will be trusting that this is the time to move forward on a certain project.

Someone wants to know all the steps ahead, but they are not being asked to focus on the next one. The one in front of them.

If they can control their urge to focus on the outcome and the future they will enjoy every step to success and realize that that was the real reward.

What Capricorn may not realize is that all the steps they are taking right now are creating wealth in the future that could bring legacy wealth if they're willing to pay attention to the here and now.

There will be many moments of tested patience and the need to restrain themselves from saying things that they will regret! Or doing things in haste that will actually delay their blessings but that is what is being asked of them at this time.


    When people hear the word healing they immediately think of a peaceful and serene moment where everything feels good. The truth is, healing can often be incredibly painful. The body can be very tender when it's regenerating. The soul and heart space healing can sometimes feel like a death!

There is a Capricorn who watched a dream die due to the lack of action. This may be what is blocking them from actually being able to create in this time it feels like there is a blockage happening in their creative space because of a past failure. We learn more from our failures than we do from our success.

At least, that's what a lot of financial gurus will tell you. I believe it's true. Because it works the same way in the spiritual realm when you are healing the heart space and your sacral chakra believing in yourself again takes time and the wisdom acquired is unmatched.

None of this will save you from having to feel the growing pains that come with healing. A Capricorn would be wise to allow themselves some space to really reflect on why the past failure hurts so deeply. It's time to reflect for a moment on what they can bring forward to the present moment from that failure that will keep them from repeating the same mistake. Self-doubt will not help them here!


( If this is for you, then you know.)

A Capricorn may be having a difficult time making space for a moment to contemplate. They may have everyday tasks that are filling up their schedule making it difficult to allow themselves a moment everything feels important. They feel they need to be everywhere. This is a lie and a bit of self sabotage for the Capricorn this resonates with. There's nothing wrong with being afraid. You have suffered losses in the past and many disappointments. That doesn't mean this will follow in the same manner you have the power to change your situation and you will exactly as you need to.

The Capricorn that takes some time in the morning to sit with themselves in the stillness will be glad they did. It's time to really meditate on what didn't work and why it still bothers them. The next step will be made clear.

So clear, that they may even forgive themselves for failing in the first place. This is the healing that is needed to remove the blockages. Motivation to be successful can and will be restored! The fear of other sabotage will go away. Someone will be too hungry for their vision to come to fruition to keep their focus on the things they cannot control.

Begin Creating 

The most difficult part for a Capricorn this will resonate with about moving forward is the fact that there is a lot of pain behind what they went through recently. Someone they trusted sabotaged them through rumors and cruelty. In order to create something that they have been missing has been their ability to see past this situation. There are many reasons Capricorn is felt stuck in this energy for a long time. No one can blame them for feeling so angry and cautious about their next move. This wasn't an easy thing to go through and it makes sense why it's blocking them at this time.

Even so, Capricorn is being asked at this time to reflect on what they want to see not what they don't want to see in the future.

All is mental, it all begins in the mind. In order to begin creating, Capricorn must begin to imagine what would happen if they won? What if all their dreams and desired came through? How would it look? What would their life look like? Where would they live?

As they create a beautiful picture of what could be, they can release what was, and for good. This opens the door to many possibilities and Capricorn will feel free to choose and this is growth. 

Bringing in the Vision 

There is there is a part of the manifestation process that requires us to release any expectation of the outcome once we have figured out what we desire. We detach from the very thing we wish to see happen.

Then comes the work taking each step knowing that it'll lead you to what you desire or better. For Capricorn that's been doing the work they're about to hit the jackpot. This is a huge deal because they been working towards this for quite some time and it's finally here!

The work has paid off there is an abundance of knowledge that is been against someone is in some high-energy right now. They will be feeling really good about themselves there is a feeling of accomplishment in this time. This is why it was so important for Capricorn to dream and dream big!

Each time we see something we've been working towards come to fruition we are tested and getting lost in the good stuff as well. Though a lot has been accomplished and should be celebrated at this time, it's incredibly important that Capricorns remember to be gracious and humble. How they respond to things in this time, will determine how easy something coming their way is handled.

How we act when we are up, will determine the help we get we have a moment where we will be feeling down. The swing of the pendulum will match the energy it came from. Do you see?

Everything has its ups and downs. We have the ability to take our great moments and save for times that may be more difficult. Knowing that this is a possibility, it would be wise for Capricorn to save for the days ahead that may not be as plentiful. There may be a need to put more time work and effort into areas that have been neglected as well.

When Capricorn is on a winning streak, it is important to remember that others may not be in the same space. Be mindful of boasting, Capricorn. Consider your audience.

The Return To Nature

There is a successful Capricorn at this six month of the year of the Dragon 2024. They have achieved so much and it's time to pour back into themselves. The way to do this is to spend more time in nature. This Capricorn needs sunshine and fresh air in order to create more wealth and abundance in their life.

By taking care of their physical bodies through exercise diet improvements, and fresh air, (do you think I meant it since I've repeated myself? )

They find that their goals are achieved much easier. They may find that the changes that come are permanent and their outlook on life a lot happier than they were before!

The person that they used to be, no longer exists. This is both a beautiful and sad moment for Capricorn. There is a need to really look at how much they've gone through and forgive themselves for what they didn't know, when they didn't know it. 

Some Capricorns have felt the urge to do some yard work recently and this is something that is coming from within. There is a meditation that happens for a Capricorn as they clean up weeds in the yard or simply clean up the environment around them. Giving back to the earth will bring a lot of clarity to a space of confusion they have had been in for quite some time.

They may been asking themselves why they chose the path they did. They need to get back to their original reason why they chose to do the things they did in this life it is the only way to move forward into the new and continue in this plentiful state of abundance that they have earned and worked so hard for.

That's what I have for you for now Capricorn. We will resume in part two later in the year. Please remember to take the wisdom that came to you in this space that resonates and leave the rest behind. May all that does not serve your highest good be released back into the pool where it belongs,

Don't forget to take a look at part 2! I wish you the clarity you need as you need it the courage to move forward where fear once held you back, and friendships that are solid and powerful in every way you need,

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